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وفاة ابنة الفنان حسن حسني بمرض عضال

نشر من قبل MALDOU  |  in معلومه  6:28 ص

بكاء هيستيري للنجم والفنان حسن حسني .. ولكن سبب هذا البكاء هو راجع الى 

فقدان اعز واقرب الناس اليه ابنته رشا رحمها الله ورحم جميع المسلمين .. 

Advancing family magazine Girls upscale deepest condolences to the artist Hassan Hosni Following the death of his daughter Rasha. 
The reasons that led to the death of Rasha, is cancer that suddenly were surprised, and continued to suffer from it over the past months. 
Her father was actor Hassan Hosni has sent medical reports its own to a large hospitals in Germany, and he received the reply from there that the situation is critical and late, and the feasibility of the treatment, and equally willing to send this report on the same day of her death hospital "Sunrise" engineers. 
Rasha and exited the funeral of a mosque, "Mustafa Mahmoud" engineers, to be buried in the family cemetery Cairo - Fayoum, where a number of keen art stars to attend the funeral and sympathy Hassan Hosni incident in calamity

هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. الإنسان المؤمن الذي يحب الله ويعترف بوجوده اكيد يكون انسان متسامح ويحب كل الناس ويتمنى الرحمه لكل البشر اما الكافر الحقود اكيد يتمنى الرحمة لفئة معينه من البشر


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